Monday, February 28, 2011

Sukamade Beach

Sukamade Beach is one tourist attraction, located in the zone of intensive utilization of Meru National Park Betiri Banyuwangi, East Java Indonesia with huge potential for ecotourism activities. Attractions that can be done is to observe the turtles laying eggs, the release of hatchlings, bird watching, camping, observation of Rafflesia, and canoeing.

Sukamade Beach is the habitat where the turtles lay their eggs. In these places tourists can witness firsthand the activities of turtle rises to the beach, lay their eggs and also just memeti. In this place there are also semi-natural hatchery to incubate turtle eggs that have been collected by the officers. Tourists can take an active role in turtle conservation efforts by following the release of hatchlings into the sea after hatching in semi-natural hatchery.

The facilities available at this location include: Pondok Wisata, Camping Ground which is equipped with a pavilion for meeting rooms, shelters, street trail tours, information centers, laboratories and cottage work.
Other Sightseeing in mangrove forests Sukamade Beach is located at the mouth of the east Coast Sukamade.

 The river can be worn on the afternoon of canoeing while observing birds (Bird Waching) as Roko, Roko, Sea Eagle, Dara Sea and many other birds that can be observed, this is usually done while waiting for the Sunset

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