Unique Traditions On Trunyan

Trunyan have a unique tradition in treating body of citizens. Unlike Hindus in Bali are generally solemnize Ngaben for burning corpses, in Trunyan corpses were burned but not only placed in the cemetery. And this is one of the attractions for tourists to come to Bali

Specifically, in relation to trust the Trunyanese about illness and death, the funeral of the Trunyanese way there are 2 kinds of, first put the corpse on the ground under the open air termed mepasah (exposure). The people who buried their way mepasah is that at the time of death of those who have assumed the life of a family or household, people who are still single and young children are milk teeth have been dated. Both buried / interred, the people who died were buried after their bodies are flawed, or at the time of death there are wounds that do not heal such as that occurs in the patient's body smallpox, leprosy and others. People who die by unnatural like murdered or committed suicide, was also buried. Young children who do not date their milk teeth, are also buried at death. Which if long enough, bodies which have become bones of the place has been used to place the new body will be laid out neatly on the edge of the hole before laying bodies. So do not if the funeral Trunyan many human bones scattered about, because human bones are in no way should be buried or thrown away from the funeral.
For the purposes of the funeral, at the village there are 3 graves that is, destined for burial Sema Wayah mepasah type, Sema Bantas, destined for burial type was buried and Sema Nguda, cater to both types of funeral and burial mepasah.