Pacet hot spring

Tourism Objects Pacet hot water bathing is located on the slopes Welirang, District Pacet Mojokerto regency of East Java, Indonesia. Pacet famous as a tourist area of ​​

mountains in Mojokerto regency, located ± 600m fromsea level . easily accessible, using either private or public transportation vehicle.Along the way to a location filled with a very beautiful natural scenery. Range of hills, clear flowing streams and virgin forests that are still beautiful stretched to welcome tourists who want to enjoy the scenery around the location of tourism.To get into the hot water bath Pacet location, the manager provides four different pools with different temperature levels ranging from a swimming pool cool, medium, hot and very hotNot far from the location of hot spring Pacet, still in one complex, are also available from fishing ponds and children's playground called Ubalan.