The uniqueness and greatness of the temple complex in Klaten regency, Central Java Imdonesia potential to attract foreign and domestic tourists visit
Moreover, cultural tourism area temples scattered in Klaten regency was very easy to be reached, the course is paved, and wide and various of transportation to area attractions are also relatively easy and cheap, whether it be reached by bus, public transportation, motorcycles, taxis, carriage, and ride tricycles.
Klaten District itself lies between the two cities of culture, namely Surakarta and Yogyakarta. This district is divided into 26 districts and 401 villages
 One of the interesting things in the temple complex in Klaten is the distance between the temple complex with one another not too far away, so that tourists who want to come to your heart's content to enjoy the masterpieces of architecture, culture and high quality of the Indonesian nation ancestors
Temple is not just a pile of rocks tens of thousands to millions of numbers and then compiled into the building, but an ancient relics, historical objects of cultural artwork ancestors a very high value.
In addition, the temple is closely related to the teachings, philosophy, customs, culture and religion, which interplay with each other positively.

 The work can be seen of them in the temple complex that is in the District of Prambanan, Klaten, such Sewu, Granary, and Plaosan Bubrah.
Complex enshrinement in the District of Prambanan easily reached by tourists by road from the city of Yogyakarta, Surakarta and the town of Klaten regency.
Distance from the city of Yogyakarta and Klaten in the temple complex at Prambanan District about 15 km. If tourists travel from Yogyakarta, the location of this temple complex is on the east, if the direction to the western town of Klaten. Meanwhile, tourists who come from Surakarta mileage is about 41 km to the western city of Surakarta.

The cost of public transport buses from Surakarta to Prambanan area around Rp 10 thousand to Rp.15 thousand per person, but if you take a taxi around 75 thousand to 100 thousand. While the city of Yogyakarta and Klaten, if you take the bus cost around Rp 5,000, 00 to Rp10 thousand, and if you take a taxi around 50 thousand.