Mount Agung

Mount Agung is the highest mountain on the island of Bali with a height of 3142 masl. The mountain is located in the district of Rendang, Karangasem regency - Bali, Indonesia. Height 1.717m and koordinat8 ° 342 'latitude, 115 ° 508' E. Gunung Agung is a volcano stratovolcano, this mountain has a very large crater is very deep and sometimes smoke and water vapor. The last eruption in 1964.
Stratovolcano is the mountain (volcano) is high and conical which consists of lava and volcanic ash that hardened. Form volcanoes t
hat are typically steep apparently due to lava flows that form the volcano was very thick, and so cool and harden before it spreads further. Such lava grouped because of the high concentration of silicic acid. At the other end of the spectrum that is protective of volcanoes, which are formed from lava that are less thick, giving him a strong base and carefully look on the ramp. Many stratovolcano that exceed a height of 2500 m. Often created by subduction of tectonic plates. Although stratovolcano sometimes called composite volcanoes, volcano experts prefer to use the term stratovolcano to distinguish it from the volcano because all volcanoes of any formhas the structure of composite (layered) - which is formed from shedding berangkai eruptive material.
Pura Besakih From this mountain with a conical taper seems perfect, but the actual peak of this mountain elongated and ends in a circular craters and wide. From the top of Mount Agung we can see the peak of Mount Rinjani in Lombok island in the east, although both mountains covered with clouds because both peaks ar
e above the clouds, the islands of Nusa Penida in the south and its beaches, including beach and mountain Sanur and Lake Batur in the northwest.
Climbing to the summit of this mountain can be started from the three point climbing namely:
* From the south is the district of Karangasem regency Strait with basecamp at Pura Pasar Agung market through the Strait.
* From the southeast is from Budakeling by jackfruit
* From the southwest, which is a common route used by the
climbers are from Pura Besakih of Karangasem regency Rendang district. Because a lot of accidents and the loss of several climbers, since May 2009 every climb Mount Agung Pura Besakih pass must use the services of a guide to anticipate the possibility of accidents at a rate that has been determined.
* Suggested for the climbers to not bring food made from cow, since the area is very sacred mountain.