Saturday, February 26, 2011

Characteristics of Female Orgasm,

After you learn how to make a woman reach orgasm without penetration peak, which it also gives descriptions of technique plays a woman's vagina with the fingers, this time we will try to find out the results of our efforts, and you have to know whether APRA man your partner really really reach the top orgasm what is just pretending, of course you will be proud if sebagia man managed to make your partner reach orgasm. A little guide for you about the characteristics of orgasm in women is under, may be useful

The body will feel more tense when orgasm occurs. Maybe the time to talk, we just keep quiet. Irregular breath and movement that increasingly wild, is the first sign towards orgasm. At that time, the vagina will seem to swell and shrink. Although unable to be felt, usually a lubricant in the vagina will increase.
• When you begin to orgasm, the vagina will experience a small contraction. At the beginning of orgasm, you probably will feel like experiencing the devastating earthquake. Without realizing it you will speak up and bellowing, and make irregular movements. But there also during orgasm just silent, not make a movement at all.
• Many assumptions, hard nipples is a sign of female orgasm. But the assumption is wrong, because it is a sign of a woman reacting to the stimulus or the atmosphere surrounding the body's reaction.
• Some women, when about to remove fluid from the urinary tract that opens in response to the occurrence of orgasm. But it can also not occur in some women. Ejaculatory fluid that comes out of the urinary tract, not urine. Not all of the vaginal fluid because it is not slippery. This discharge, a sign that you have experienced an orgasm.
• There is a possibility of a woman reach orgasm several times, during stimulation. While some others require a slight pause woman, between one orgasm to the next orgasm, though continued to be stimulated. Some other women can even orgasm multiple times nonstop - without pause.
Well, the best way if your spouse has reached the peak or not, is the communication between you and your partner, being open and honest is better than to pretend for the sake of happiness of the couple

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