Wednesday, March 2, 2011


 Being the village of Bunaken Manado Indonesia Bunaken District. About 7 miles from the Port of Manado which can be reached in 35 minutes from downtown by boat motors. At first Bunaken is a coral island (atoll). It covers an area of about 887.5 hectares with slightly wavy morphology conditions.

Jawi Temples

Pasuruan is a district in East Java province, Indonesia. In this area there is a relic of history (the past) in the form of temples, namely Candi Jawi. This temple is located precisely at the Village Temple Wates, Prigen District, Pasuruan, East Java. In order to reach these locations (from the city of Surabaya) to use public transport services in the form of Surabaya-Malang majoring bus, then get off at kilometer 45 (city district Pandaan) and continued with another vehicle (Tretes majors) with a distance of approximately 1 mile past the Park Candace Wilwatikta .. Unlike other temples which usually have changed the name according to places, things, or taste that gives a name (eg: Prambanan, Burbrah, Bima and others), Jawi Temple is one of the few temples whose name virtually unchanged, although there Also changes in speech. In Negarakertagama this temple is called Java-Java or Jajawi.